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Road safety is something we all could do better at. I know that, you know that and teenagers know that.

But telling people again and again that they are doing something wrong can sound hectoring. It can also be counter-productive – the target audience simply tunes out.

However, an approach that has been shown to consistently work, especially with young people, is humour. See an Advertising Standards Authority study on it here.

So, when we were asked by the West Midlands Road Safety Partnership to pitch for a video campaign, we knew humour was the way forward. It certainly echoes our belief here at B3 Creative of The Three E’s – Engage, Entertain and Educate.

We worked up some really nice concepts with our good friends and excellent production company Napoleon Creative – and, just a few months later, we have turned three of those concepts into short, funny films.

The films focus on the behaviour of drivers, passengers and motorbike riders – key areas that have been identified by road safety teams as the cause of many road safety incidents.

Using a local cast of young actors and actresses, stunt drivers and motorsport camera crew, the three films are raising a smile whenever they are shown.

You can watch them here, here and here.

Road safety may be a serious subject but it can work best when it gets a laugh…